Monday, March 21, 2011

I have the madness

Every year, there is a magical time before baseball season kicks into gear when 64 of the top NCAA Division I basketball teams in the country meet at various arenas around this great land to decide who will hold the title of National Champion.
For as many years as I can remember, I've watched a few of the games. I can remember staying up late at night, watching the championship team cutting down the net, which is a tradition that is only special to basketball champions.
But in the last couple of years, I have partaken in the pastime of filling out the bracket. And this year, I have become a little obsessed, to say the least.
Last year, my managing editor asked me to join his NCAA bracket group on the ESPN website. I thought, "Sure, why not. It will be fun." I clicked on the teams I wanted as I read each team's stats. Important questions had to be answered before one team was chosen over another: Does having a higher points per game make this a better team? What about their overall record -- does that matter?
Once I resolved these issues with each second round team, then the third round was picked, and eventually, I had to pick a champion. Duke won last year, though I don't think I had them picked as my champion.
Picking this year's bracket brought its usual challenges. My only girly pick was choosing Butler to make it to the Sweet 16 because of some friends of mine -- the Butlers -- are good people. Surely, the Butler team would do as well.
This year, ESPN added another aspect to their online bracket -- some sports spectator site basically told you what team would do better. Example: "There's a 98% chance that Ohio State will beat UTSA. You should pick Ohio State." I listened to this nugget of advice on some picks, but then again, you can't predict the future, despite how high the percentage may be. 
After the second round, I had only a handful of upsets. Of course the Louisville/Morehead game was one of them. A lot of teams that I had picked to win -- with hopes of a Cinderella team -- ended up losing by only a few points. Memphis, Michigan State, and Temple made that list of hopefuls. Well, there's always next year.
As the third round played out this weekend, I was met with even more upset. And my obsession became a little more clear. The fella and I went out Saturday night and I continued to check my scores on my iPhone via as we were driving through Little Rock. I was anxiously watching the Butler/Pittsburgh game. We were standing in front of the Rave, debating on what movie to see when Butler tied the game at 70-70. I loudly declared, "Butler just came back!" Then when Butler pulled away for a 71-70 victory, I was more than delighted.
And all of this was just so my bracket would continue to do well. Just for a little grid on a piece of paper. I don't even have money on my bracket. I just don't like to write down the wrong answers, like on a test. I want to be right, gosh darn it.
Another upset came on Saturday night as Kansas State lost to Wisconsin. Heartbreak. I had picked K-State to go all the way to the Elite Eight, especially since they had beat Kansas University earlier this year. Once again, my bracket was a little more torn up.
As the tournament enters the Sweet 16, I actually correctly picked half of the teams that are still playing. Will this little bit of success continue? Eight more games of 40 minutes each will decide their fate.
But it's oh so exciting. The last five minutes of each game -- especially if it's a close game -- are what keep me coming back each game. I love when a team is behind by 15 points and comes back within 5 points by the near end of the game, making their opponent sweat a little more. It's a true test of human character.
And the best part is -- these guys are just college kids. They aren't overpaid NBA stars who date/marry the Kardashians. They're younger than me (which is weird considering they were always older than me). They are playing with heart for the glory of their school. They are playing to bring back a trophy and some nets back to their campus, and for their place in sports history.
But by the beginning of April, it will all be said and done. One team will be celebrating. Another team will be disappointed. And I'll be ready for baseball season, which will get my by until it's time to fill out another bracket.

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